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Re: [StrongED] stoppong a file auto-loading

On 1 Aug 2010, Jeremy Nicoll - ml stronged
<jn.ml.sed45@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Tony Moore <old_coaster@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Yes, you're right, the option was set, but I couldn't load StrongED
> > to change it to 'don't remember'...
> Aren't all these options stored in text files these days?

Yes, in !Stred_Cfg.UserPrefs.Global.Options

> if so, !Edit would have sufficed to change it

True, but as I said in the bit that you snipped:

> > (and it seems that it wouldn't have helped because, by that time,
> > the file was already listed for auto-load).

> and whatever was in the 'List' file.

At the time of my original post, I was not aware of the 'List' file
(hence my question), or that the problem file had also been copied to

To fix the problem it was necessary to delete the contents of the
AutoSave directory.


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