For example '\t\x0A ' is not the complete definition of White. It's just an example equivalent set, albeit an incomplete one. The correct set that it corresponds with is: '\x09-\x0D\x20\xA0'
Note that other equivalance sets in the manual are not complete either. However that's done on purpose as some sets are large. Alpha for example matches not only 'A-Za-z' but also all accented characters.
StrongED uses the TerritoryManager's character property tables for its predefined sets. To see which characters are included in a particular set you can use this BASIC program:
REM Property code | StrongED
REM ------------------------------
REM 0 = Control code | Ctrl
REM 1 = Uppercase | Upper
REM 2 = Lowercase | Lower
REM 3 = Alphabetic | Alpha
REM 4 = Punctuation | Punct
REM 5 = White space | White
REM 6 = Digit | Digit
REM 7 = Hex digit | Hex
property% = 1 :REM set to 0-7 according to above table
SYS "Territory_CharacterPropertyTable",-1,property% TO table%
FOR c% = 0 TO 255
byte% = c% DIV 8 : bit% = 1<<(c% MOD 8)
IF (table%?byte%) AND bit% > 0 THEN PRINT c%
This program will display the character numbers, in decimal notation (0-255) which correspond to that set.
You can download the program, but you will need to change the property% to the value you wish to interrogate.
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