List of Found search
This List oF Found window is the result of searching the page
search/html for "search expression" with default options.
The top line of this (on the dark blue backgound) shows the directory(s) and leafname(s) of the file(s) that produced the matches, the number of hits (matches) and on how many lines they occured.
Below that are listed the lines concerned with the actual matches highlighted in red. As the mouse pointer moves oner the list the page under it will change by inverting colours. Clicking on a line will move the caret to the corresponding line in the text. If the target window is hidden or iconised then it will be
opened first and brought to the front.
The LoF window has a menu that enables you to:
- Save Save the List Of Found as a text file
- Sort Sorts the lines alphabetically
- Mark Text Highlights matches of the search expression in the text(s)
- Line numbers Display the line numbers where each match was found. Of most use if have switched on display -> line numbers for the text concerned. Note: default line numbering in texts starts at 0. LoF assumes they start at 1.
- All matches Normally only the first match in a line is highlighted. If this option is ticked, each match will be highlighted, on a separate lines.
- Whole Line Shows the whole line that the found expression is in.
- From found Shows the matched text and any content after it on the line
- After found As above, but omitting the matched text itself
- Align found Displays the whole line, aligning the matched text in a column.
- Match only Display the matched text only. This is not useful in simple search but can be very useful in advanced search so will be covered there.
Hot Keys for navigation
I you initiate the search from the keyboard
Enter then the List of Found results window will have the input focus so that it may be navigated using the keyboard.
The following keys can then be used:
- Up arrow Move to the previous line in LoF results.
- Down arrow Move to next line in LoF results.
- Tab Move the caret to match, LoF keeps focus.
- Escape Closes the LoF window.
- Return Move caret to match, focus to text, LoF closes.
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