Subscribe the main email address normally. Subscribe the others, from which you may wish to post, as 'nomail'. Copies will not then be sent to these! You can use this link:
The nomail subscription process is the same as the standard subscription process, but be extra careful at step 3 as there is an extra -nomail bit so the confirm address should look something like
In fact malware does get on occasion get onto list members computers (via other sources) and this does result in the list address getting onto spammers lists: I as listmaster sometimes see the result when spam emails which are referred to me for moderation. The list members do not see them.
When the internet was young, and MicroSoft could not pretend to own it, and agreed standards evolved for email. MicroSoft then trod roughshod over these standards and started using html. They also set their email programs so that the standard QUILA (Quote and In-Line Reply) system did not work properly. Standards disintegrated and email nowadays is not as it was: as a result email lists such as this StrongED declined and www forums grew as they did not rely on broken email programs.
So really, the only way a mailing list such as this can work well is by using the old standards of plain text only and QUILA. The links are to my own site explaining how it should all work. Therefore this list is set to only accept plain text emails. Anything else will be returned to sender.
As a matter of interest, the original email netiquette is still fairly rigorously applied on most News Groups (Usenet) postings. If you do not know about News Groups see
The number here (in this example 3497) is the message number and it gives you a way of checking which messages you have received. As message numbers are seqyential, any 'holes' in the numbers are messages you have missed. You can retrieve these messages by sending an email to, for example
Return-path: <>
which will retrieve message number 3496
Page Information
Document URI: HTTP://
Page first published: Friday the 11th of June, 2010
Last modified: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:18:29 BST
Written by and © 2010 - 2025 Richard John Torrens.