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Re: Mailing List Bouncing details.

On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 09:10:51 +0100
"Richard Torrens (lists)" <Lists@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> In article <587fbe09ddronanon@xxxxxxxx>,
>    Ron <ronanon@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I am getting this new (helpful) style of message, however the actual
> > sending of an email to stronged+get-3848@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > has not resulted in anything new sent to me.
> > Done this on a few different days, and pretty sure empty subject
> > and content is OK, so something else?  
> I cannot see any sign of failure from this end.
> All incoming emails are logged and indeed I see your attempts to
> recall the message.
> I don't see any bounces from these get messages.
> A test  here recalls the message as it
> should.
> So I suspect the message retrieved must be ending up in your spam
> bin? You can probably adjust your spam filters to accept such.
> What I have done is to archive up to date
> http://stronged.torrens.org/archive/
Thanks for your efforts, I went to zoho webmail, no spam there.
While at webmail I tried stronged+get-3848@xxxxxxxxxxx again but no
still no sign of a return to inbox or spam bin.
Have to give up now I think.
Apart from Freds messages bouncing everything else is fine.