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Re: StrongHTML mode - HTML5 update to named characters StrongHelp page

"Richard Torrens (lists)" <Lists@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 7 Jun 2020:

>    Ewen Pring <ewen.pring@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I think personally in that case I'll use !HTMLbar as a button bar app to
>> insert HTML5 tags. I've made an updated version of that, which I can
>> upload if anyone else is interested. Something inbuilt to StrongED would
>> of course be better ideally.

> I found !HTMLbar at
> http://www.angelfire.com/mt/wumps/htmlbar.htm
> but is aborts on an ARMx6.

Yes I found that too, which is why I made an updated version, are you 
saying you'd like me to upload it (no point spending the time if it is 
only of academic interest)?

Don't get too excited though; all it does is provide fixed buttons to 
insert predetermined tags, there is no interactivity with external files 
or the content of the page like the StrongHTML mode tools did (eg 
automatically updating anchor paths or sizing images). It is also a 
separate bar that you need to position on your desktop rather than 
appearing inside a StrongED editor window.

Ewen Pring, St. Albans, Herts
using RISC OS 5