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Re: Snippets - !Makro

In message <58601c16b8Lists@xxxxxxxxxxx>
          "Richard Torrens (lists)" <Lists@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> In article <2be7116058.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>,
>    Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > There's a new version of Makro2:
> > http://www.stronged.iconbar.com/archives/misc/makro2.zip
> > Some thoughts on future enhancements:
> >  - Dragging a file to an insert button currently assigns the macro to a
> >    button with a name of '<untitled>'. [..]
> Currently only the first line is used so if you drag html you get little
> that is useful. Much easier to edit the set file!

Yes, but... it would be possible to read up to 255 chars from the file.
Any newlines would get translated to |M so that multiple lines can be
read in.

The writable icon to edit the string could be replaced by a TextArea
gadget to allow for easier editing. In that case it might also be
possible to drop the limit of 255 characters.

> >  - Change the file format to: BBGGRR <tab> name <tab> string
> >    Having each macro on a single line seems tidier to me (parsing is a
> >    bit more complicated though). The BBGGRR at the start of the line
> >    would be the colour to use for the text on the button.
> Though experiment suggests it might complicate editing in StrongED. How
> about
>   odd line:  BBGGRR <tab> name
>   even line: macro

If that really is a problem then I'd consider creating a mode for it
with some functions to convert from single line to multiple lines on
loading and back on saving.

> >  - Save the settings in a text file as key/value pairs instead of the
> >    current binary choices file. More readable and easier to debug.
> I have noticed how uncommon key/value pairs are in RiscOS. though several
> languages use them.

Er, RISC OS is full of key/value pairs. All Messages files use them, so
do most of my applications for their choices.


StrongED Developer