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Re: Snippets - !Makro

On 2 Apr 2020  "Richard Torrens (lists)" <Lists@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> In article <585adb2abcchris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    Chris Johnson <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Having had a bit of a play, !Makro looks to be quite a useful little
>> app. S**s law is still active - when I started to play the set I
>> chose had a broken file - the title of the second button was
>> completely missing, so it was loading the string in to the button
>> text and inserting the next button title in to the document!

> Agreed - it is extremely useful. The main problem is remembering what sets
> I have and why I made them!

> It's also very easy to write sets in StrongED

> Now we know how to put tags around a marked block it's very useful for
> html.

> But I've no idea where you got the dud set: I have checked all the ones in
> the file linked from the www page:
> http://stronged.torrens.org/man/features/Makro1,59.zip

> There are very few occasions where I would change Makro - especially now
> it can read 64 macro set files. I guess increasing the string length would
> be useful. I have several Macros to set up a blank www page: doing that with
> one click would be nice as I use several templates. That can be done by using
> Brandy Basic which does not have the limitation. I just tried - it does need
> some changes to work with Brandy!

I've come late to this thread. For sometime I've been using !Ffiler from 
Kevin Wells which is another similar app. http://riscos.kevsoft.co.uk/

From that page: "Form Filler (59KB) a form filler that sends text to where 
the cursor is. Ideal in filling web forms etc". This will store, I think, 
100 macros and is easy to use. I've tried !Makro, and can see no reason 
for my swapping this for Ffiler.

Best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Hg) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England