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Re: Search
In article <5835c7f743Lists@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
Richard Torrens (lists) <Lists@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In article <5835ab52d6dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> Dave <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Yeees! That's the complaint, Search is supposed to search for the entered
> > search string, not bits of it.
> I think that's a quaint consequence of the interactive nature of this
> particular search. But it wasn't covered in the on-line instructions. So
> there is now a separate page which covers it:
> http://stronged.torrens.org/man/search/interact.html
> I think it's not a problem, just a side effect of having 4 search modes!
> The fact the term found is truncated says forcefully that there are no
> more full instances to be found.
> If Fay wants to find every instance of a word, LoF search is for that:
> http://stronged.torrens.org/man/search/LoF.html
FWIW. I received Fred's note early this AM when I first started up the
computer... I guess around 5:30 ish.
Back to the plot.
She's looked at the postings and is illuminated, and says she will find the
F2 one very useful...
Dave OHB.
Dave Triffid