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[StrongED] Re: SE v4.70a13 CtrlTab
On 09 Dec in article <e4e2b36357.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>,
Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In message <5763aa3efelist01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Martin <list01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > After installing a new a13, when I open files in some modes for
> > the first time, I get a fleeting little message box which says
> >
> > Unknown bitmap style: 'CtrlTab' in mode 'xxx'
> >
> > where xxx is at least Obey and News
[Snip explanation]
> To get rid of the warning the name 'CtrlTab' needs to be replaced by
> 'Regular'. Fortunately we can use StrongED to do this in bulk:
[Snip method]
I did that and replaced 90 in Defaults!
There were none were in UserPrefs.
I think the message has now disappeared.
Thanks Fred.
Martin Avison using a British Iyonix running RISC OS 5
and the Pluto mail and newsreader
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