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Re: [StrongED] 4.70a13 gives abort on launch

In message <efd4a34f57.jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
          Jim Nagel <stred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Fred Graute  wrote on 30 Oct:
> > Please place 4.70a13 in a separate directory with a virgin StrED_cfg. Run
> > this StrongED with Ctrl held down (to force use of local StrED_cfg). Does
> > this abort too?


> Funny that 4.70a12 was apparently happy with the 2006 version of ResFind 
> but 4.70a13 is not.  Is that what this exercise boils down to?

The version of ResFind is not causing this problem. My own StrED_cfg has
the old 2006 version in it too and StrongED starts up fine.

In your old UserPrefs.AutoSave.List there must have been a text that
used Dump mode. Due to changes made two steps were done in the wrong
order that caused an abort when trying to load a text on start up that
uses Dump mode. Putting things in correct order fixed the problem.

> Suggestion:  put a dummy !Runimage file into !StrED_cfg for distribution.  
> It could be an obeyfile containing just a comment: "The sole purpose of 
> this dummy Runimage is to give its datestamp to the outer application 
> directory."  Which in this case would be 2015-09-12.
>    (Martin Wuerthner does that with his !PS3 app.)

Thanks, I'll have a look at it.


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