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Re: [StrongED] Re: StrongED 4.70a13 available
On 13 Oct 2018 Jim Nagel <stred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dave Symes wrote on 13 Oct:
>> What about specific setting that someone has laboured to get just
>> right, Colours, window sizes, yadayada... What happens to all those
>> things when you throw away one version and completely replace it with
>> a newer one?
> Just like other RiscOS apps, your settings stay in Choices. If you
> have customized any of the default Modes, your copy remains in
> Choices.
Only if you put them there. Here I have !StrED_cfg next to !StrongED, and
!StrongED happily finds this. I prefer it here rather than in Choices in
case I need to do any tweaks to it.
Best wishes,
Peter Young (zfc Au) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England
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