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[StrongED] sending PHP file to browser
I'm in the midst of converting stuff from old Impression newsletters
to web pages -- www.glastonburyconservation.org.uk -- coming to grips
with CSS and PHP, and making much use of (and adding my own hacks to)
Harriet Bazley's !DDF2html utility.
While StrongEd displays my PHP source file, I want to see what the
result is when rendered by a browser. I'm using Webjames as my local
development server to interpret the PHP.
The StrongEd page is (for example)
but the file needs to be sent to Netsurf as
The "running man" button in StrongEd's HTML mode gives the likes of
where the PHP stuff of course turns into error reports.
Is there some way I could achieve this goal of sending via Webjames,
maybe by defining Adjust-click on the running-man button? This would
save a lot of repetititive error-prone manual typing in the URL bar!
In other words, the first part of the file's pathname needs to be
replaced by http://localhost/ , but determining exactly how much of
the path to change might be tricky to program, since some sites have
more deeply nested directories than this one.
Perhaps use could be made of the system variable that I already use to
tell Webjames which of my several sites is the current target for
"localhost" -- <webjames-thissite$dir>. (I have an obeyfile in each
site that sets this variable to <obey$dir>. This has proved to be a
good trick, and I'll do a hint&tip in Archive mag.)
Any suggestions (about Adjust-runningman or otherwise) from anyone
more adept than I in StrongEd modefiles? Thanks.
Jim Nagel www.archivemag.co.uk
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