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Re: [StrongED] Cursor and view positionning on line generating error in BasASM mode

In message <CAFztDOmU2gZO4i_1XCDEgN50W4vMzUi9QLOn=-_30D75AzaYMg@mail.g 
          Xavier Louis Tardy <xltardy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Silly question probably, but as I use SE to program ARM within BASIC,
> what should I do to have the window and the cursor positioned where the line
> of my error is (when assembling, that is RUNning the BASIC program).
> So far what I was using was
> F12
> LOAD my prog
> run it
> note the line where the error is reported
> quit BASIC
> parse my listing in stronged and find the line number

> â?I'd like to save some time now.

In StrongEd, choices, global choices, tick the Throwback box. Does 
this do what you want?


> Thanks for your help.

> Xavier aka Zarchos

> Btw if you want to see SE on YT, it is on my YT channel
> â?https://www.youtube.com/user/Archimedes75009

> A pity I do not fully master it as I'd do a video to upload it.
> To the maintainer : why not making tutorial videos and upload them to YT ?
> Not only it is easy, it wouls help, and it would help promote RISC OS.

> â?Thanks for your amazing work.
> Highly appreciated.â?

Alan Adams, from Northamptonshire

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