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Re: [StrongED] Re: S & R query
In message <83510cbc56.harriet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Harriet Bazley <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 15 Jan 2018 as I do recall,
> Fred Graute wrote:
> > In message <ab3d5fba56.harriet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Harriet Bazley <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [snip]
> > > I don't understand the 'bracketed blocks of text' section - how is this
> > > distinguished from the previously described uses of braces and round
> > > brackets for a very different purpose?
> >
> > Block shorthands are escaped with '\' to distinguish them from their
> > regular forms which have a different meaning, so it's \( and \{.
> >
> > Richard is working from the text extracted from the StrongED manual
> > using Chris Morison's tools. For some reason it exported the '\\\{'
> > from the manual as '{' rather than '\{'.
> Aha! Yes, that was it.
> An example would be helpful too I think: does the search just skip over all
> material until it finds the closing bracket, then look for the next
> character in the search string, e.g. "func\{local" as a search string would
> not match "func{fruit, peel, local1}" but would match "func{fruit, peel}
> local slices=nil"?
Yes, that's correct. "func\{local" would need to be ("func" \{ "local")
or ("func" \{ \n "local") though (can't tell which because of hardwrap).
You can't use \{ inside a string.
Both \{ and \( take advantage of the bracket matching code meaning that
nesting is taken into account. Brackets inside comments and strings are
They came about when I was wondering if it would be possible to create a
advanced search expression that could match function definitions in C.
With the help of \{ this was reasonably successful but the internal code
still handled some things better, most notably in C++.
If anyone is interested in the rather complicated result, here it is:
FuncType < {{'\t *'} {\i}+ {\s} ~"("}+ {\s} {'*'} {\s}
Function FuncType {"("} @0 {\i}+ @9 {")"} {\s} {\( {" "}}+ ~";" ** \{
> Is the closing bracket not specified in the search string?
The closing bracket is taken to be the same type as the opening bracket,
so \{ -> } and \( -> ).
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