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[StrongED] Re: v4.70a12 BASIC Assembler comments

On 11 Oct in article <187c4d8956.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>,
   Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In message <568862453dlist01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>           Martin <list01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > I think there is a problem with assembler comments in BASIC...
> > 
> > When using both BASIC and BasAsm modes, if a comment within [...]
> > assembler statements is preceeded by either ; or \ then any BASIC
> > keywords which happen to be in the comment are tokenised. 

> It's actually the other way round. Top-bit-set characters are not
> converted to keywords on detokenisation when in assembler comments.

> To avoid the problem of top-bit-set characters being converted to
> keywords when the file was reloaded (see Manual -> Q and A) I added
> some code to detect assembler sections. If in a section top-bit-set
> characters would not be touched.

> Unfortunately this has issues as you've noticed. Another problem is
> that it doesn't work with selections that don't contain '[' and ']'
> which are used to detect assembler sections.

> You can turn off the option 'Detect ASM sections' in Global Choices ->
> BASIC to go back to the old behaviour.

Thanks for the explanation, Fred. 
Turning that option off does seem to fix the problem.

However, it all still seems backwards to me!
Surely anything in a comment should not be tokenized?

Hmmm. But I see that BASIC tokenises comments after ;\ but not after REM.
Perhaps it is a BASIC bug?


Martin Avison      using a British Iyonix running RISC OS 5 
                   and the Pluto mail and newsreader

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