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[StrongED] v4.70a12 BASIC Assembler comments

I think there is a problem with assembler comments in BASIC...

When using both BASIC and BasAsm modes, if a comment within [...]
assembler statements is preceeded by either ; or \ then any BASIC
keywords which happen to be in the comment are tokenised. 

This is only visible when the file has been saved and re-displayed, when
they display as single top-bit-set characters.

This has caused a number of my assembler comments to be scrambled and
lost, before I realised what was causing it.

Note that REM comments, and ; \ comments which are not within [...] do
not seem to be affected.


Martin Avison      using a British Iyonix running RISC OS 5 
                   and the Pluto mail and newsreader

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