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[StrongED] Re: StrongEd v4.70a11 and Throwback

In article <0574431856.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>,
   Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In message <561828eae8list01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>           Martin <list01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> > In article <f5e01a1856.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>,
> >    Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > Could you please try the following:
> > 
> > >  - Load a large set of files (say 20+) into StrongED
> > >  - Use c-L to open the LoW (List-of-Windows)
> > >  - Move pointer over LoW
> > 
> > > Is the line under the pointer highlit?
> > > Does a double-click open the right view?
> > 
> > Using v4.70a11 - no and no.   Nothing happens at all.
> > Using v4.69f9  - yes and yes. All works as I would expect.

> That suggests that 4.70a11 isn't getting the pointer entering event,
> which might happen if something is blocking it. However that 'something'
> should prevent 4.69f9 from working too.

> Still, it might be useful to check for any Wimp filters that monitor the
> pointer entering event, perhaps a focus-follows-mouse utility.

Why would anything like that affect v4.70 and not v4.69?

I killed many modules, and am left with just:

Filters called on entry to Wimp_Poll:
Filter              Task                    
------              ----                    
tbox_pre            WimpMon                 
TaskUsage           All tasks               
ColourFiler         Filer                   

Filters called on exit from Wimp_Poll:
Filter              Task                    Mask
------              ----                    ----    
EventMonitor        TaskWindow              00000001
EventMonitor        StrongED                00000001
tbox_post           WimpMon                 00000000
KeyExt              All tasks               FFFFFEFF
TaskUsage           All tasks               00000000
ColourFiler         Filer                   00083973

> You could use WimpMon to see if pointer entering events are being sent
> to 4.70a11. If they're not then we know the problem, else more digging
> is needed.

Using WimpMon & SE4.70, it shows LoW causes event Pointer Entering but
not Leaving, and LoF shows both. After moving the mouse over the LoF
window clicks on the LoW work, but no difference in the Pointer events

> I've used TaskUsage to test 4.70a11 and found one minor issue. In some
> circumstances the pointer leaving event isn't turned off. Generally it
> seemed fine though, not sign of 'your' issues.

> > The v4.70 LoW is small, showing only top 4 files.
> > The v4.69 window is the full height, showing all 32 files.  

> There is code in 4.70a11 to control the initial size of the LoW but it
> still has some issues. You should be able to make it larger by closing
> and then opening it again.

It was no problem - I am just trying to report all differences I see!


Martin Avison      using a British Iyonix running RISC OS 5 
                   and the Pluto mail and newsreader

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