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Re: [StrongED] Re: StrongHelp 2.89 available

Chris Johnson  wrote on 12 Feb:

> In article <ad453a0d56.jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    Jim Nagel <stred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> But *where* does my present copy [of Stronghelp] live?!?

> I presume it actually runs when need to view a manual, so it must be
> being booted. Why not try a *show str* in a task window?

Ah, thanks. (Almost missed that trailing * first time -- I'm not 
familiar enough with that useful command.)

OK, my existing Stronghelp lives in $.Utilities  !

Is that the "standard" place, though?  Where do other users, who have 
not consciously chosen a home for it, find their copy?

Jim Nagel                        www.archivemag.co.uk
|| See you at the show?  www.riscos-swshow.co.uk   Feb 25

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