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[StrongED] StrongED 4.70a7 available

Hi All,

The seventh alpha release of StrongED 4.70 can found on the website:

This version is mainly about changing how wrapwidth is affected by
changes to the display settings and bug fixes.

Wrap width

Previous versions would keep a view's workarea width constant when
options were changed. This caused the wrapwidth to be made smaller or
bigger when changing font (size) or turning on/off line numbers,

This has been changed such that the wrapwidth is now kept constant, if
required the workarea width of a view will be changed. More logical and
user-friendly IMO.

It seems to work okay but there may be some minor niggles. One of them
is that some outlines fonts end up with a wrapwidth that is one smaller
than specified, eg DejaVuSans.Mono (due to rounding errors?).

Bugs fixed

 - When saving a BASIC file via RAM transfer the data would be saved as
   text but with filetype BASIC. This caused problems if the receiving
   application couldn't cope, eg Edit. Now the data is typed and saved
   as BASIC avoiding this problem.

 - Saving files which had EoL spaces stripped would go wrong. End addr
   was in R5 but trimming spaces caused end addr to change so needs to
   be re-read.

 - ShowAll would get the width of a view wrong as the current width
   wasn't read from the actual window but from the defaults for a new

 - KillAll aborted on 26-bit as its comparison routine would force the
   CPU to USR mode on 26-bit systems. This was fine for the internal
   HeapSort as it called comparison routine in USR mode anyway. But it's
   not so good for OS_HeapSort which calls the code in SVC mode.

 - StrongED would abort if a mode had syntax colouring turned off when
   it was parsed and then turned on using Mode Choices.

 - Undoing a caret move would not update the cursor position indicator
   on the Infobar, fixed by adding a call to UpdateXY in DoUR.

 - Fix TaskWindows aborting.


Fixed bug in DigDirSED, the filetype list specified filetypes as 'fff'
(without the quotes) and Lua can't determine the data type and would
ignore it. Prefix it with '0x' so it knows it's a hex number.


Updated export formats in ExportSED to 4.70 format by adding support for
visible Spaces, Newlines and HardSpaces. Note that they remain invisible
as the mapping is not transferred, but the syntax groups now match with
what StrongED exports so there should be no errors.


Fixed LineNumber BASIC script, it still used the old StrongED_Scrap$Dir
rather than the new StrongED$ScrapDir.

As always, all feedback is welcome and appreciated!


Changes in StrongED 4.70a7 (from 4.70a6)

  - Undoing a caret move would not update the cursor position indicator
    on the Infobar, fixed by adding a call to UpdateXY in DoUR.

  - Vertical clipping in BitmapFont_DrawList altered, bit shorter and
    more understandable IMO.

  - Changed PathMatch slightly, use lowercase table to match characters
    rather than clearing bit #5. Should now allow paths with accented

  - Added tokenisation call to Message_RamFetch. To avoid problems as
    the filetype was BASIC but we actually delivered plain text. Now we
    deliver tokenised BASIC as advertised, stops Edit from aborting.

  - Fixed DigDirSED, ScriptSED and updated ExportSED.

  - Changed comparison routine for KillAll (CmpTextAdrs) so it can be
    safely called from OS_HeapSort. It would force the CPU to USR mode
    on 26-bit systems. This was fine for the internal HeapSort as it
    called comparison routine in USR mode anyway. But it's not so good
    for OS_HeapSort which calls the code in SVC mode.

  - Changes to SaveText caused saving of BASIC files with line numbers
    (ie not stripped) to go wrong. End addr was in R5 but trimming
    spaces caused end addr to change so needs to be re-read.

  - Fix xspc calculation in CaretXYFromAdr and CaretAdrFromXY. Multiply
    or divide by width of widest character instead of LSL #4 or LSR #4.
    Still some issues with outline fonts that need sorting out.

  - Apply same fix to Funwrap so that unwrapping to a width of x chars
    always obtains the same result regardless of font size. Doesn't work
    too well for proportional outline fonts.

  - StrongED would abort if a mode had syntax colouring turned off when
    it was parsed and then turned on using Mode Choices.

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