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Re: [StrongED] Occasional crash with StrongMen

On 1 Dec 2014  Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


> Alas, it happened again yesterday evening with 1.27 b3

> 30 Nov 22:34:27 000 80000002: Error from (unknown): Internal error:
> abort on data transfer at &0000A320

> *showregs
> Register dump (stored at &2000AE30) is:
> R0  = 0001F73C R1  = 00237C40 R2  = 01909BDB R3  = 205984A4
> R4  = 00000800 R5  = 00000010 R6  = 00000002 R7  = 0001F73C
> R8  = 01909BDB R9  = 00237C40 R10 = FA208000 R11 = FA207F5C
> R12 = 0000DE28 R13 = 0000F2E0 R14 = 0000B744 R15 = 0000A320
> Mode USR32 flags set: nzcvqjggggeAift        PSR = 00000110

> Again, EmailEdit was unusable after this until I did a hard reset.

> I use the adjust-click at the left of the screen a lot to open

Sorry, slip of the finger again; I meant *menu* click.

> recently used directories and text files, and this only happens
> rarely, and I haven't been able to identify why it happens when it
> does.

> Best wishes,

> Peter.

Peter Young (zfc Re) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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