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Re: [StrongED] Occasional crash with StrongMen
On 15 Nov 2014 Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In message <eec8516654.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 12 Nov 2014 Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> In message <df98d06254.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> This occasionally happens here. I try to get up the StrongMenu by
>>>> adjust-clicking at the left of the screen, and I get:
>>>> 07 Nov 11:46:22 000 80000002: Error from (unknown): Internal error:
>>>> abort on data transfer at &0000A33C
>>> So far I have been unable to reproduce this, with an RPi in ARMv7 strict
>>> mode. Is there any more information you can give about when it happens?
>>> Has anyone else seen this bug?
>> Sorry for the delayed reply, but I've been very busy. It happens
>> totally at random, and always when I try to edit the StrongMenu file.
And apologies again, twice over this time. I've still been very busy,
but I also misinformed you.
> Just to be perfectly clear: the abort happens when you try to edit the
> StrongMenu file, ie an Adjust click on the iconbar-icon?
> Above you said it happened by adjust-clicking at the left of the screen,
> was that incorrect or can that lead to an abort too?
Very sorry, it's always been with a *menu* click at the left edge of
the screen, to being up the menu that starts with "Last BASIC files".
I got confused, not unusual.
After this afternoon most of the coming week is going to be hectic
once more, so apologies once again if I don't reply promptly.
>> OPro is the one that most often locks the machine up.
> It just may be that there are situations where OPro goes wrong without
> crashing itself but the system is compromised in some way causing other
> apps to fail. It would be helpful to know if the problem also occurs
> when OPro isn't running.
>>>> Following this, MPro's EmailEdit will let me edit, but won't let me do
>>>> anything else, such as add a sig or even send the message; I have to
>>>> re=boot.
>>> Sounds like the Toolbox has gone wrong. The Toolbox is very nice but it
>>> is quite susceptible to knock on effects from aborts. I get this a lot
>>> when developing stuff using AppBasic, one error and all Toolbox based
>>> applications disappear one after another.
>> That's interesting, but presumably there's not a lot I can do about
>> that.
> No, but it's something to be aware of and make sure that there's no
> unsaved data when a Toolbox based application has crashed as the rest
> may go down too.
A good hint, thanks.
Best wishes,
Peter Young (zfc Re) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England
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