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Re: [StrongED] RFC; Changing the choices system

Fred Graute, on 24 Oct, wrote:


> Over to all of you, any and all feedback is most welcome!

There is always the risk that I have still not grasped the full extent of
the subtleties but that may in itself be reasonable feedback, the aim is
presumably not to defeat the user.
> [1] Lets say the mode's wrapwidth is set at '80' so any new text and view
> also have '80' as their wrapwidth.
> The wrapwidth for the text, and hence the view, is changed to '96'. Then a
> new view on this text is created and using the Infobar the wrapwidth is
> changed to '132'.
> Which wrapwidth we now see in the Mode Choices depends on the scope and
> view used. If scope is 'this view' we'll see '96' or '132' depending on
> which view was used. With 'this text' as scope we'll see '96' as that's
> what it's set at text level. Finally, 'this mode' will show the setting at
> mode level which is '80'.

If I set 80 in Mode Choices then that is the default for all new or
subsequent windows, views that is. If I individually alter the width some
views from their lower toolbars then those over-rides only apply to those
views and Mode Choices should still show the default 80 no matter which view
Mode Choices is accessed from and no matter what that view is actually

Mode Choices is an independent window, once opened there is no way of
knowing what the parent view was.

Put another way, if I want to be baffled I can always use Zap.

Hope that helps.

David Pitt

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