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[StrongED] The stuff I did
In message <mpro.ndjach1m7wjvk00a4.tim@xxxxxxxxx>
Tim Powys-Lybbe <tim@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I was unaware of it. Perhaps you could very occasionally put a note out
> summarising all your apps that are on offer and what each can do for us?
Below is a list of the various bits of software maintained / written by
me. It's kept very brief, if anyone wants to know more about any of
these items then feel free to ask.
The Strong stuff
StrongED - needs no introduction, I would think.
Complete - Autocompletion support for the AppBasic mode.
DigDirSED - Search through directory current file lives in.
SpeakSED - Front-end to Jonathan Duddington's eSpeak.
FTPupSED - Upload file straight from SED using FTPc.
ExportSED - Export text from SED in DDF,DDL,(X)HTML format.
ScriptSED - Support for SED scripts, language bindings.
StrongHelp - Reading and designing on-screen manuals.
StrongMen - Application launcher, hotlist, file history, etc.
StrongFont - Font conversion, Zap fonts -> StrongED fonts.
StrongSet - Set StrongED choices for multiple modes at once.
SrcStrED - Holds the sources for StrongED.
SrcStrHlp - Holds the sources for StrongHelp.
SrcStrMen - Holds the sources for StrongMen.
StrongLib - Holds library files shared by the Strong apps.
StrongDbg - A simple tool to assist in debugging the Strong apps.
The other stuff
DirShare - Manage ShareFS shares, create/remove, set permissions.
DoubleTake - Make double-click-and-hold mimic Shift-double-click. Latest
(unreleased) version also supports the Pinboard.
ExifEdit - View and edit Exif tags inside JPEGs.
FTPsFE - Manage FTP accounts (front-end to the FTPs module).
Peekaboo - Hides the iconbar when not used, bit of a hack. _Might_ be
integrated with ToggleBD at some point.
ThemeTool - Create themes prototypes (largely obsolete, the work I did
on the Wimp has been almost completely removed).
ToggleBD - Toggle the backdrop (front <-> back) to get at pinned
objects. Can also toggle the iconbar.
Transient - Temporary file storage / trap Filer deletions.
YAC - Extendable scientific calculator (my first Wimp app!).
Clipboard module
PutClip - Demonstrates how to put data on the clipboard.
GetClip - Demonstrates how to get data off the clipboard.
Unreleased stuff
CopyCLI - Copy text from CLI to clipboard, *CopyCLI "text to copy"
Text is passed through GSTrans so sysvars can be included.
ManToolsFE - A front-end to Steve Fryatt's ManTools, part of the
ManTools mode.
StorePass - More of concept ATM, safe, encrypted, storage of passwords.
Volume - Very simple app to set system volume (speaker & headphone).
WinLister - Switch clone but using WimpSWIve instead of traversing the
window stack so can also show hidden/iconised windows.
WordCount - StrongED addon, count the number of words in a text, either
simple word count or word frequencies.
StrongED Developer
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