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Re: [StrongED] ToggleBD 1.08 available
Fred Graute, on 12 Oct, wrote:
> In message <mpro.ndbxyn0036zdf13x2.pittdj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> David Pitt <pittdj@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > David Pitt, on 12 Oct, wrote:
> > [snip - Screen Edge not working]
> Line 744 in TaskPart reads:
> LDR R2,[R1,#20] ; get edge pointer is paused at
> This needs to be:
> LDR R2,[R12,#block%+20] ; get edge pointer is paused at
> Change this and assemble source and it should work.
Or even :-
LDRB R2,[R12,#block%+20] ; get edge pointer is paused at
That works on both the A9home and OS4.39 VRPC.
David Pitt
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