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Re: [StrongED] RFC; Changing the choices system
In message <edbb825054.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>
Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Well, I'd love to hear them - that's what RFCs are for after all.
I think it is natural that preferences chosen from the iconbar should
be global ones, whereas preferences chosen from a StrongED window
should be local; but how local? For the given mode, for the given
text, or for the given view? What is needed is a consistent interface
that makes it clear.
I had thought of some filer-like interface, so that Mode, Text and view
were like nested directories between which one could move as one moves
between filer windows. Then the actual application or saving of the
preference would be a leaf in this tree.
Still a bit vague, I am afraid. What one wants to avoid is presenting
the user with too many choices at once, and plenty of visual clues as
to where the user has got to, and what she can do to move elsewhere.
Gavin Wraith (gavin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
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