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Re: [StrongED] Transient 2.08b available
Fred Graute, on 1 Aug, wrote:
> In message <mpro.n9m5yc00780290mh8.pittdj@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> David Pitt <pittdj@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Fred Graute, on 26 Jul, wrote:
> >
> > > Hi All,
> > >
> > > Transient 2.08b (test) is now available for download from:
> > > http://www.stronged.iconbar.com/archives/misc/tr208b.zip
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > Found a little snag.
> >
> > Take two convenient files, ReadMe & ReadMe1st, and delete both.
> >
> > The RestoreInfo file is correctly set :-
> >
> > Default.2014/08/01.ReadMe HostFS::HardDisc4.$.Temp.ReadMe
> > 2014/08/01?-?06:25:26 Default.2014/08/01.ReadMe1st
> > HostFS::HardDisc4.$.Temp.ReadMe1st 2014/08/01?-?06:25:26
> >
> > ReadMe1st restores correctly.
> >
> > But attempting to restore ReadMe results in :-
> >
> > Object Restore Information
> > Local path Default.2014/08/01.ReadMe
> > Original path HostFS::HardDisc4.$.Temp.ReadMe1st
> >
> > The file restored is ReadMe but it is now named ReadMe1st.
> It looks like removing the restore info for ReadMe1st is going wrong. It
> seems to be removing the original path and deletion date for ReadMe along
> with the local path for ReadMe1st.
> Is this reproducible? If so, could you please try deleting ReadMe and
> ReadMe1st with a small delay inbetween so that they have different
> deletion dates. After restoring ReadMe1st, does ReadMe now have the
> deletion date for ReadMe1st? That would confirm the above hypothesis.
> How are you restoring ReadMe1st? By dragging from the temporary directory,
> or by using iconbar menu -> Restoration? It probably won't make any
> difference but it would be useful to know if both method have this
> problem.
This is reproducible here every time, select both files then delete both,
attempt to restore ReadMe by dragging from the ScrapDir to the iconbar icon
and the 'rename' to ReadMe1st occurs.
Delete ReadMe1st first, then delete ReadMe, ReadMe restores correctly
Delete ReadMe first, then delete ReadMe1st, ReadMe restores as ReadMe1st.
Restoring ReadMe1st first then allows ReadMe to subsequently be restored
> So far I've been unable to reproduce this myself but I'll keep looking.
> Thanks for reporting the problem.
I hope the above helps. The next thing to do would be to preserve the
RestoreInfo file at the various stage but I have gone a bit cross-eyed ATM!!
David Pitt
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