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Re: [StrongED] StrongED 4.70a5 available

In message <ec47bb0854.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>
          Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The fifth alpha release of StrongED 4.70 can found on the website:
> http://www.stronged.iconbar.com/archives/releases/se470a5.zip

Apart from the line number start value problem already highlighted by
David there are a couple of other issues with 4.70a5:

 - The SysLog support has been left on so you may get an error 'SWI
   &4C880 not known'. If that's the case you may want to install SysLog.
   SysLog can be downloaded here: https://compton.nu/riscos/syslog/

 - It's shipped with only BaseMode present and the mode database has all
   modes still in 4.69 format (for obvious reasons) so the Choices and
   Colours files are not entirely suited for 4.70a5 as was pointed out
   to me at the RISC OS eXperience yesterday.

   I'm considering creating an additional page on the website for alpha
   releases and their resources so it's all compatible and in one place.


StrongED Developer

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