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Re: [StrongED] Oddity with Transient and StrongED

In message <33a9fbfb53.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
          Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 21 Apr 2014  Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > In message <3ff5f2fb53.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >           Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> If I create a new textfile in StrongED and save it by dragging the
> >> save icon to Transient's icon bar icon, it gets successfully saved in
> >> today's Transient directory, but the top bar of the file still has its
> >> asterisk, and when I close the file StrongED complains that the file
> >> hasn't been saved, with the usual discard, cancel, save warning.
> > This is deliberate, Transient is not a 'safe' location and it passes on
> > that information to StrongED when it saves to Transient, StrongED then
> > doesn't mark the text as saved.
> > You already asked about this in Nov 2012 (StrongED saving to Transient,
> > Message id: <1ed2e9eb52.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>). Martin Bazley
> > provided a very clear and detailed explanation of what's happening.
> Ah, yes, sorry not to have remembered! Old men forget. Sorry to have
> wasted your time :-)

Yes, well, I'm forgetful too. There's an option in Choices > Misc to
mark saves from an application as 'safe'. Set the option and saving to
Transient works the same as saving to a Filer window.


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