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Re: [StrongED] Folding on SED V4.70a2
In message <53d8479937riscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Richard Ashbery <riscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In article <9e2ec2d753.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>, Fred Graute
> <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > In message <53d750ea24riscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Richard Ashbery
> > <riscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > In article <f32841d753.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>, Fred Graute
> > > <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > In message <93ebd6d653.iyojohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> John
> > > > Rickman Iyonix <rickman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > > > Richard Ashbery wrote
> > > > Does the file fold correctly except for the fold arrows not
> > > > appearing?
> > >
> > > No.
> > It seems like folding isn't working at all. This suggests that the
> > file doesn't meet the folding criteria. Function starts and ends
> > must be at start of line without indentation or linenumbers.
> You are absolutely correct - where Folding fails to work I had line
> numbers active in the BASIC files.
If you want folding to work with line numbers active then you'll need to
alter the Fold_Start and Fold_End expressions in the BASIC ModeFile.
Something like this should do the trick:
Fold_Start [LineNumber] "DEF"
Fold_End [LineNumber] "ENDPROC" | ("="*>) {[LineNumber] NL}+
> Although I consulted the SED Help file I couldn't find anything about
> the Folding criteria.
The folding criteria are dictated by the expressions used for folding.
To find out what the criteria are for a particular mode you'll have to
look at the FoldParm definitions in its ModeFile.
The expressions in BASIC mode require that fold starts and ends are at
the very start of a line. If they're not then folding doesn't work, as
you've found.
StrongED Developer
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