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Re: [StrongED] Folding on SED V4.70a2
In message <53d750ea24riscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Richard Ashbery <riscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In article <f32841d753.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>, Fred Graute
> <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > In message <93ebd6d653.iyojohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> John Rickman
> > Iyonix <rickman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > Richard Ashbery wrote
> > >
> > > > I've just tried to use Folding on a BASIC file with SED V4.70a2
> > > > but the folding arrows fail to appear. It used to work on
> > > > earlier SED versions. Interestingly Shift + or - reports "Not
> > > > in a fold".
> > I've tried several 4.69 & 4.70 versions but none of them displayed
> > this problem. Make sure that Basic mode is installed
> BASIC is installed.
> > and that the sprites for the fold arrows are present in
> > !StrongED.Defaults.Sprites.Sprites[22].
> Sprites22 are installed correctly in the above location.
> > Does the file fold correctly except for the fold arrows not
> > appearing?
> No.
> > You only see PROC/FN definition but not the actual function body?
> Yes - I've found it very useful (when it worked) to hide the DEF PROCs.
It seems like folding isn't working at all. This suggests that the file
doesn't meet the folding criteria. Function starts and ends must be at
start of line without indentation or linenumbers.
> > It would be useful to have more info on the system used:
> > - type of machine, compatibility mode in case of RPi - screen
> > mode, in particular colour depth - type and name of font
> Iyonix RISC OS 5.18/ 16 million cols/1920 x 1200/60Hz.
> Raspberry Pi (RISC OS 5.21) 16 million cols/1920 x 1080/30Hz running
> in ARMv7 strict mode.
> SED 4.70a2 and Bitmap System selected on all machines.
> Something odd here - with SED 4.70a2 on the Beagleboard (RISC OS 5.20)
> and running an identical colour depth to the Raspberry Pi, Folding
> works correctly.
Thanks. The above seems to indicate that it's not dependent on version
of RISC OS nor does it seem to be an unaligned memory access as it works
on the BeagleBoard which is ARMv7.
Was this with the exact same file on each machine?
StrongED Developer
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