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Re: [StrongED] Transient oddity.

On 15 Jan 2014  Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> In message <e4d24bca53.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>           Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> If Transient is run early in the start-up sequence, it throws up the
>> following errors:
>> 13 Jan 13:51:36 100   Title    : Transient
>> 13 Jan 13:51:36 100   Task     : Transient
>> 13 Jan 13:51:36 100   Message  : Unknown or missing variable
>> (code2300)

> Line 2300 refers to the Iconbar object using Iconbar%. The variable
> hasn't been set because Transient hasn't received the Toolbox event
> (Toolbox_ObjectAutoCreated) for its creation yet.

> This can be fixed by adding 'Iconbar% = 0' to the Initial file but that
> only fixes the 'Unknown or missing variable' error.

> The real problem is that not one Toolbox_ObjectAutoCreated event is
> received when Transient is placed early in the start-up sequence, for
> any of its objects. Presumably the Toolbox hasn't been fully initialised
> yet and fails to deliver these events - it looks like the Wimp filters
> the Toolbox puts around Toolbox applications aren't there yet.

>> My solution was to run transient a bit after the main start-up using
>> Ian Hamilton's !Delay, but the original poster found that moving
>> Transient to the bottom of the run at boot list worked for him.

> Yes, I find the same here. Starting Transient slightly later must have
> allowed enough time for the Toolbox modules to fully initialise.

Thanks for the erudite explanation, Fred. It seems that I stumbled on 
the correct solution!

With best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc W) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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