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Re: [StrongED] StrongMen 1.27b2 available

In message <925d70ba53.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
          Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 15 Dec 2013  Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > In message <a304f5b953.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >           Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> On 8 Dec 2013  Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >>> StrongMen 1.27b2 is now available for download from:
> >>> http://www.stronged.iconbar.com/fjg/zips/strmen.zip
> >>
> >> [snip]
> >>
> >> The problem: any attempt at running MakeTMP throws up the error
> >> "Filing System SCSI: must be given  a name at line 51". As I don't
> >> understand the MakeTMP BASIC file this means nothing to me!
> > What do you get when you do '*Show Boot$Dir' in a taskwindow?
> *Show Boot$Dir
> Boot$Dir : SCSI::armini.$.!BOOT

That looks fine. I've set up a sysvar to point to a SCSI device and used
that to call MakeTMP. Which worked, so I'm not sure why it's not working
for you.

> > What is the exact line in the StrongMenu that calls MakeTMP?
> That I'm afraid I can't remember, and I can't at the moment find the
> right syntax in the Help file; I know I found it yesterday.

Just load the StrongMenu file and check the lines that call MakeTMP.

> However, I get the same error if I double-click on
> !StrongMen.Tools.MakeTMP

Yes, if I double-click MakeTMP then I get the same error. Running it
directly means no parameters are supplied so maybe it's being called
from StrongMen without parameters?


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