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Re: [StrongED] StrongMen 1.27b2 available
In message <a304f5b953.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 8 Dec 2013 Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > StrongMen 1.27b2 is now available for download from:
> > http://www.stronged.iconbar.com/fjg/zips/strmen.zip
> [snip]
> The problem: any attempt at running MakeTMP throws up the error
> "Filing System SCSI: must be given a name at line 51". As I don't
> understand the MakeTMP BASIC file this means nothing to me!
Line 51 attempts to canocalise the path passed to it from the StrongMenu
file. The default path is '<Boot$Dir>.^.tmp' which normally points to
the disc you boot from. It seems that MakeTMP is unable to canonicalise
to path passed to it.
What do you get when you do '*Show Boot$Dir' in a taskwindow?
What is the exact line in the StrongMenu that calls MakeTMP?
StrongED Developer
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