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Re: [StrongED] ToggleBD 1.03 giving load error
In message <5e0a2f8853.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>
Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In message <5388144a3ariscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Richard Ashbery <riscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> ToggleBD (V1.03) not able to find OpenCfgWin. Sure enough it doesn't
>> exist in the program. Strange as I have just referred to the SE
>> mailing list and there is no mention of this being a problem.
> As far as I know ToggleBD starts up fine. Just to make sure I downloaded
> a copy of v1.03 and ran it, no problem.
> Can you provide more detail on how you are running it?
The error actually is :-
Error from (unknown): File 'ToggleBD_OpenCfgWin' not found
See !ToggleBD.StartUp.RunModule
The problem occurs if the old module ToggleBD 1.01 is still in RMA
from previous use of !ToggleBD 1.02, it does not have the
'ToggleBD_OpenCfgWin' command. Once the ToggleBD 1.03 module is board
all is as intended.
David Pitt
Raspberry Pi RISC OS 5.21
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