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Re: [StrongED] StrongED 4.69b2 available

In message <53438a1220cvjazz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
          Chris Newman <cvjazz@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> In article <63db6f4353.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On 27 Apr 2013  Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > The second beta release of StrongED 4.69 can found on the website:
> > > http://www.stronged.iconbar.com/archives/releases/se469b2.zip
> > > This release fixes a couple of issues that have been found in 4.69b1
> > > (see below). There has also been refactoring done to various pieces
> > > of code, most notably the redraw system and handling of save boxes.
> > I cheated, and put this new !RunImage into the
> > previous version, so as not to have to do my personal ModeFile changes
> > again. It all seems to work so far, but have I done something with
> > hidden dangers?

There's usually no real danger when running an older version of a mode.
But you miss out on new features, and the mode may have stuff in it that
is outdated and StrongED may object to it.

The other bits that have changed in 4.69b2 are the templates file (to
correct input focus colour) and the manual (version history updated).

> I also like to keep my modified ModFile where possible so perhaps Fred could
> tell us if that needs updating or not when he's informing us about updates.

I could and usually do. However this you can easily monitor yourself by
keeping a copy of the original ModeFile. When a new version of StrongED
comes out you diff the ModeFile that comes with it against the original.

You can then update your modified copy with the changed bits. Once done
replace your original ModeFile with the one that come with the updated
StrongED, this is now your new baseline.

Normally this should be quite easy, an exception being a modification
you've made clashing with the newer ModeFile, eg using a previously
unused key binding but now the newer ModeFile uses that same binding.
Such clashes you'll have to resolve yourself.


StrongED Developer

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