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Re: [StrongED] StrongED 4.69b1 available

On 15 Apr 2013  Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi All,

> The first beta release of StrongED 4.69 can found on the website:
> http://www.stronged.iconbar.com/archives/releases/se469b1.zip

Many thanks. Just downloaded yesterday's amended version, and changed 
the base mode ModeFile to incorporate my changes, and all is working 
well, apart from one oddity, see below.

> As StrongED 4.69a7 is already in wide use and it's been quite a while
> since there was a stable release of StrongED I've decided to stop work
> on 4.69 and move towards a stable release of 4.69.

> So, what was going to be StrongED 4.69a8 will now become 4.69b1, but
> without the new features that require changes to the font and/or
> configuration files. These features have been pushed to 4.70.

> Much of the work that has been done since 4.69a7 won't be directly
> visible as it's been about rewriting internals but there are a few
> changes that you may find useful (see below).

> Please let me know when you find a bug so that it can be fixed before
> the final release of StrongED 4.69, thanks.

> As always, all feedback is welcome and appreciated!

I tried changing the font, and got a fatal error. I have the 
StrongDump; should I send it? If so, to which address?

By the way, it came with only the Base Mode ModeFile. I've imported 
all the other ones I need from the old version, and so far they seem 
to work. Should I get new ones, or is this OK?

With best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Ta) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England

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