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Re: [StrongED] ToggleBD 1.01 available
On 9 Feb 2013 Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 9 Feb 2013 Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [snip]
>> I've just discovered that the hot keys do work now, and
>> there's a ToggleBD directory in Boot.Choices, which wasn't there
>> before!
> Further report, very odd: the Config file in the Boot.Choices
> directory keeps setting its access to Public read and write "No",
> which seems to stop any saving. Also, the hot keys seem to work only
> when they want to! There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this. Still
> enjoying using it, though. It seems to cater well for a disorganised
> person such as I am.
A bit more sinister I'm afraid; the computer wasn't doing anything,
09 Feb 20:12:54 000 00000000: ToggleBD: Internal error: abort on data
transfer at &FC14B580 (code625)
*where FC14B580
Address FC14B580 is at offset 00013018 in module SharedCLibrary
I hope this means something to Fred!
With best wishes,
Peter Young (zfc Ta) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England
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