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[StrongED] Re: 469a6 - unknown operand
In article <40972c4a52.pittdj+@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
David Pitt <pittdj@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In message <524a283125Lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> "Richard Torrens (lists)" <Lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > So I decided to start afresh with a6. Moved the old !StrongED and
> > !StrED_vfg aside and installed 4.59a6 fresh from the archive.
> > Id doesn't work! Gives the error "Unknown operand".
> A fix was posted yesterday to this list, see "StrongED 4.69a6
> available".
> a6 is fine here now.
Ah yes: reading this in detail see that it was indeed discussed and a
cure suggested.
But simple instructions - it is not!
Surely I could work it out. But I shall wait for Fred's promised fixed
version! That is clearlty going to be easier than for anyone to write
simple instructions for a fix.
Richard Torrens.
http://www.Torrens.org.uk for genealogy, natural history, wild food, walks, cats
and more!
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