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Re: [StrongED] UserPrefs (Iyonix)

In message <5d09893152.fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx>
          Fred Graute <fjgraute@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> In message <5a75653152.Iyonix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>           Ron <iyonix@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > In message <9fea5b3152.pittdj+@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >           David Pitt <pittdj@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > > In message <e24d523152.Iyonix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > >   Ron <iyonix@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > >
> > > > I realise also that restarting StrongEd is necessary sometuimes.
> > >
> > > What exactly are we looking at here, is there some instability of the
> > > Iyonix that might be affecting StrongED. From my experience I would
> > > say that would be highly unusual to need to restart StrongED.
> Agreed, StrongED seems to be quite stable on the Iyonix. If there's any
> reason to restart it then a bug report would be welcome.
> > > > But *Show shows
> > >
> > > > StrongED_Read$Path : ADFS::HardDisc4.$.BootApps.!StrongED.Defaults.
> > >
> > > That line indicates that !StrEDcfg has not been seen. Where is
> > > !StrEDcfg installed?
> >
> > It is in Boot:Choices where it should be I think.
> There are three locations where StrED_cfg can be placed:
>  - In Boot:Choices
>  - In <StrongED_Settings$Dir>
>  - In the same directory as StrongED
> StrongED will look for StrED_cfg in the above order, if it cannot find
> StrED_cfg then it will use StrongED.Defaults.
> > I seem to have cured two problems at the same time by adding
> > a Modefile to UserPrefs.Global
> A ModeFile in UserPrefs.Global would be ignored by StrongED so can't
> have solved any problem. Which two problems are you referring to?
You are right, I looked in there, and I must have taken it back out
when things got worse instead. I was following the instructions in the
NoModeFile at the time.

> > Before doing this (and restarting) when I doubleclicked on the new
> > filetype a second StrongED would start and appear on the iconbar.
> Which new filetype? And which version of StrongED? There was a problem
> with some of the earlier 4.69 alphas running a new copy of StrongED when
> a file was double-clicked.

I have created a user filetype of 00c for C files, thus allowing
a sprite to be assigned to C files.
Currently, I have 00c,** added to 'Rules Include' part of the
UserPrefs.Modes.C.ModeWhen file and 00c as the C default type in the
misc page Choices from C mode.

In StrongED iconbar choices (Global Choices) if I untick 'Doubleclick on
files'   then when I do doubleclick on my C file a second StrongED
starts up. This is similar to what was happening, though I dont recall
it being related to the tickbox, it appears it /is/ needed.

Ron M.
 StrongEd 4.68 Iyonix

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