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Re: [StrongED] StrongMem problems
- To: StrongED_Questions_to_Mailing list <StrongED@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [StrongED] StrongMem problems
- From: Tony Moore <old_coaster@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2011 19:41:29 GMT
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On 25 Mar 2011, Richard Ashbery <riscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Its only taken me years to discover the usefulness of StrongMem
> (V1.26) but I have some issues......
> Help, V3.16 (19-Jan-10) sometimes crashes StrongMem with an Abort on
> data transfer at &0000C8C0 when loaded from Applications menu.
I can't reproduce that here, with Help 3.28 (29 Mar 2009)
> Clicking Directories > System does nothing even though <System$Dir> is
> correctly assigned in the StrongMenu.
Recently I discussed a similar problem with Fred. He suggested changing
that section of the StrongMenu file to read:
!Scrap<tab>*Filer_OpenDir <Wimp$ScrapDir>
!System<tab>*Filer_OpenDir <System$Dir>
Choices<tab>*Filer_OpenDir <Choices$Dir>
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