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Re: [StrongED] Showing the TrueTab character
- To: StrongED@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [StrongED] Showing the TrueTab character
- From: stephen.hull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 13:32:17 GMT
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=btinternet.com; s=s1024; t=1299936754; bh=aAZtLGHaLSezQRMeDGnYnvvVxsVPLASeu+13KA85Ov0=; h=Received:X-Yahoo-SMTP:X-YMail-OSG:X-Yahoo-Newman-Property:Date:From:To:Subject:Message-ID:References:In-Reply-To:Reply-To:X-Organization:User-Agent:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=G+gbmoA3Q8QH3SpCEUJdjCD1CE/kcAMXAZhXkB+WltTRRTlYavfuFeBEq92WNhRnrrI8bOu0w9UlD+PYBRXwjyTis/jk53Fpd/g7zARxwuoKkAmn8mHXZdTDlM6B6HIKAkRIZloFR/Nj3wemZw0NwpUvIC5eCb1iE86fLJ1mRGI=
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- Envelope-to: stronged@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- In-reply-to: <79b93eb151.martin@blueyonder.co.uk>
- List-id: RISC OS StrongED mailing list
- References: <42dadcb051.Steve@btinternet.com> <79b93eb151.martin@blueyonder.co.uk>
- Reply-to: stephen.hull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Reply-to: StrongED@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- User-agent: Messenger-Pro/5.13 (MsgServe/3.43) (RISC-OS/4.39)
In message <79b93eb151.martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Martin Bazley <martin.bazley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>The following bytes were arranged on 8 Mar 2011 by stephen.hull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>> I seem to remember this being asked before on the list but can't find any
>> reference to it.
>> How does one remove the funny tab characters when viewing a text file in
>> Stronged?
>Mode choices -> Colours -> Element -> Tabs -> Style -> CtrlTab.
>You have to do it for 'Ctrl chars' as well.
>Yes, it's been asked before, many times. Unfortunately, the list
>archives don't seem to be publicly available. While searching, though,
>I did find this when not even looking for it:
Ahh yes, thanks for that Martin, its easy when you know where to look.
If I had subscribed to c.s.a.h I would have remembered the thread as it
was only in September last year.
Problem solved ;)
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