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[StrongED] Showing the TrueTab character
- To: StrongED@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [StrongED] Showing the TrueTab character
- From: stephen.hull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2011 18:02:27 GMT
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I seem to remember this being asked before on the list but can't find any
reference to it.
How does one remove the funny tab characters when viewing a text file in
I want the tab to show as a dotted line (TrueTab) but when I click to
change this option in "Mode Choices", Insert tabs and Display TAB char,
is doesn't change from the weird characters to the dotted line TrueTab.
I have set this option once before ages ago but it has suddenly started
showing the wrong option for some reason and I can't remember how to
change it back despite trying various options, what am I doing wrong?
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