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[StrongED] Re: "string not recognized" error
In article <5982095351.jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Jim Nagel <stred@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> here, *help OLEsupport gives:
> Module is: OLESupport 0.28 (28 Jul 2004) © Mark Sawle
> for Messenger Pro
> same version number, different date. tiresome.
> and next Q will be (if, like you, i find several copies or versions on
> my disc) WHICH is my active copy?
Is there one running now (there should be)? What does the taskwindow
*help olesupport
tell you?
> had a look within MPro. !Messenger.RMStore.OLESupport says internally
> that it is version *0.29*, 2007-04-26 by Mark Sawle. file length is
> 11,836. does anybody know if this version has corrected the problem?
> can't load it into StrongEd at the moment, because i'm getting the
> aforementioned "String not recognized" error!
Just do
*rmkill olesupport
*unset oleserver$type_fff
and rerun StrongED. That should get rid of the error temporarily.
However, don't change offset &CB0 on either 0.28 or 0.29 before we are
certain that bit of code hasn't moved. Actually, it probably has moved,
because the original 0.28 I have here is only 8380 bytes.
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