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Re: [StrongED] Add at end of file?

Barry E Allen <barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> In article <mpro.l7mbho00kbfea01m4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.invalid>,
>    Jeremy Nicoll - ml stronged <jn.ml.sed45@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > What do you intend to do to get all the files into SE in the first
> > place?
> If I remember correctly Pipedream files are just plain text so there
> should be no problem loading them into StrongED.

That's not what I meant - apart from anything else you can load any file at
all into SE.  What I meant was that if there were hundreds or thousands of
files to be processed, getting them into SE might be tricky.  If one could
temporarily move them into a directory or set of dirs that contain nothing
else it'd be easier, but if they're scattered all over the system it'd be

OTOH using some sort of utility (eg !locate) to build a list of target files
on whatever criteria are relevant, then eg converting that into an Obey file
to run a series of commands on each file might be a lot easier.

If eg you put the extra text into a file called Extra, then you can append
that to a Target file with a command like

  *Print Extra { >> Target } 

(if I remember the syntax properly).  RO doesn't have an *append  command
but this works by 'printing' the Extra file and uses redirection to append
the results onto the end of the target file.

If eg one defines an alias

  *Set Alias$AlterIt print extra { >> %*0 }

then one can issue

  *Alterit Targetfile1
  *Alterit Targetfile2

and so on.  (It can be a little trickier than this to set up, but I'm
writing these notes on a windows machine, and am not about to experiment
with RO.)

So if one has a file containing a list of target filenames, all one then
needs to do is insert "*Alterit " in front of each line, save the file, set
its type to Obey (or better TaskObey), then run it.

Jeremy C B Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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