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Re: [StrongED] Re: Email address launch feature.

In message <5123a493ddLists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
          "Richard Torrens (lists)" <Lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Thanks Fred and all.
> But the plot thickens. StrongED is thhe same on the RPC and the Iyo.
> Modefile is the same on both. There is no additional modefile in
> !StrED_cfg.UserPrefs.Modes.BaseMode.Choices on either computer.

Richard, could you send me the BaseMode ModeFile from both machines and
also the ModeFile from the mode you're using (if it's not BaseMode)?

To load the ModeFiles, click Adjust on the iconbar icon and Shift-click
on the mode's name with Select. This ensures that the ModeFile in use by
StrongED is opened. An Adjust click on the close icon should open the
directory the ModeFile is in.

> Yet the RPC gets the whole thing. The Iyo breaks it at the +
> Weird. Either I'm missing something - or StrongED is! Any ideas where to
> look?

Different email client perhaps?



StrongED developer

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