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Re: [StrongED] Re: Regular Search and Replace on a key?
In message <50e1dcb994Lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
"Richard Torrens (lists)" <Lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In article <4464d2e150.pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> Dr Peter Young <pnyoung@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > www/greenbottom/org.tolet.index/html
> > > It should change it to
> > > http://www.GreenBottom.org/tolet/index.html
> > > It does nothing!
> > Try shift or control drag! Works for me.
> OK: so it's the Help text which is wrong. Understandable - Fred rightly is
> more interested in the engine than the paintwork!
I don't think the help text is wrong per se, it says:
o SELECT opens scripts directory.
o Dragging a script here applies it to a document -
o Shift-DRAG replaces document with result.
o Ctrl-DRAG puts result in a new window.
o Ctrl-Shift-DRAG applies to all documents, replacing each one.
The second line states that scripts can be dragged to the icon and the
next three lines explain the different drag types. Which is all correct
although I'll admit that the second sentence could be reworded for more
clarity. Say:
'Use one of the following drags to apply a script to a document.'
StrongED developer
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