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Re: [StrongED] Re: Regular Search and Replace on a key?

In message <50e1ddc6f3Lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> you wrote:

> But the only way one is likely to get a RISC OS URL is by shift-drag, is it
> not?

I have two problems with this sentence. The first is that there is no
such thing as a RISC OS URL. URLs must, by definition, adhere to Unix
filenaming conventions. Did you mean a RISC OS filepath?
The second is the phrase "by shift-drag". From where? From a browser?
From a window of FTPc? Or are we talking about shift-dragging scripts
into StrongED windows?

> That does not add the http:// bit, so that was not relevant to the
> original query.
> Or so I considered.

> Having your script as a start, I suppose you could modify it to replace
> the path name before the www.etc with http:// - after slashdotting.

I am not quite sure why you would want to. For uploading webpages to
servers you need to use relative URLs everywhere - ones that do not have
the http:// prefix. The script I wrote was predicated on converting
relative RISC OS pathnames to relative URLs.

> In my case that's a bit awkward as the domains on the server (hence in my
> RO source) exist in a directory www. So the full path, shift-dragged in
> RISC OS is
> Share::Lab.$.Resources.wwwpages.Web Home.Torrens.www.www/greenbottom/org.tolet.index/html
> which is a bit less than a general case.

Is the apparent space between "Web" and "Home" intentional? You cannot have
spaces in RISC OS pathnames. And again, what does "shift-dragged" mean in
this context? And why "(hence in my RO source)"? I do not follow the logic
of that.

Perhaps you could say what it is that you are doing? Creating webpages
to be uploaded? Or downloading pages to make a site on one of your
local pages?

Gavin Wraith (gavin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Home page: http://www.wra1th.plus.com/

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