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Re: [StrongED] Textfile changes appearance when read from Documents directory

In article <50e13f24ecriscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Richard Ashbery
<riscos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If I save a textfile with default black text and grey highlighted
> html link into the Root directory and read it back it displays
> black text and  a grey highlight over the link - exactly as
> expected.

> If I now drag a copy into a directory - named Documents the text
> changes to blue and the grey highlight over the link is absent.

> Reading back an identical file from other directories displays the
> text and highlight correctly.

I've got it - StrongED has a mode file called Documents which might be
conflicting with the directory named Documents. The Documents mode
displays text in blue with no html links highlighted. Why the conflict
occurs I don't know but removing the Document mode cures the problem.
Easy when you know how.


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