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Re: [StrongED] quick way to kill task window

rickman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Very often I need to open a task window and issue a command to 
> discover some system information that I need for an email or to put 
> into a document.
> As nothing much works on a task window, including the clipboard, I 
> have to use the mouse menu to kill the task before extracting text.
> It is not a big problem but it would be more convenient if there were 
> another way to do it - preferably not involving use of mouse menus.
> Eg
> ctrl-12           open task window
> key in command    * modules
> ctrl-shift-K      kill Task
> F4                search for ...
> stripe text and drag drop in email etc..
> ctrl-shift-R      resume Task
> The above is just a suggestion, but I have problably overlooked 
> something obvious.

If you define a command alias (which once you've got it doing what you like
should be done in your boot sequence so it's always available to you) which
issues a command and routes the output to a file, then calls SE to display
the file, you might get on better...

Normally you'd want something like 

 *set alias$trap %%*0 { > RAM::0.$.trap }

to run a command and create a new file (or overwrite an existing one) and
put the command results into the file

but if you put that into an Obey file what will happen is that the output
from the process of issuing the *set gets put into the file.  You can make
the redirection part occur later on by using GSTrans (ascii code) symbols
for the { and > and } as follows:

 *set alias$trap %%*0<123> <62> RAM::0.$.trap <125>

Then issue in a taskwindow

 *trap modules

and the results will be in the RAM disk file.  Changing the alias to:

 *set alias$trap %%*0<123> <62> RAM::0.$.trap <125>|mSetType RAM::0.$.trap
Text|mFiler_Run RAM::0.$.trap

(all on one line) 

will put the results into that file, change the file's filetype to text and
filer_run it, which loads it into your editor.  Use this by opening the
taskwindow as before then type

 *trap modules

or for example

 *trap show

 *trap .

You might want to define several of them eg trap1 trap2 trap3 (and remember
to change the filenames in the alias definition) so that you can keep
several sets of output separate.

Jeremy C B Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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